Exploring the Causes of Metal Roof Leaking

While known for their longevity, even metal roofs can develop leaks. Discover the unexpected culprits behind leaks in non-aging metal roofs and decide between repair or replacement.

An Introduction to Metal Roof Leaks

Metal roofs have become a popular choice for many homes and buildings. Admired for their sleek look and impressive toughness, they often boast a long lifespan. These systems can shrug off harsh weather and resist wear and tear for decades. Especially when compared to traditional options like asphalt shingles, metal roofs have come to be known for their strength and reliability.
However, even these resilient roofs aren't entirely immune to all damage. While less common than with other materials, leaks can develop in these systems, too. This can lead to frustration and unexpected repairs for property owners. The good news is that, unlike mysterious leaks in other roof types, metal roof leaks often have clear culprits.
Let's explore the common causes of metal roof leaks to help identify the issue and determine the best course of action.

Causes of Metal Roof Leaking

Metal roofs are lauded for their durability, but even these champions can develop leaks. However, the issue often isn't age-related wear. Instead, unexpected issues can compromise the roof’s watertight integrity. Keep reading to learn to identify the problem and make informed decisions about repairs. Let’s dive in.

Fastener Failure

Fasteners are an important part of a metal roof, securing the panels and creating a waterproof barrier. Here’s how fastener failure can lead to metal roof leaking:

  • Loose screws or fasteners: Screws play a vital role in securing metal roof panels to the underlying structure. If they're over-driven, they can compromise the seal and create a pathway for water. Under-driven screws, on the other hand, might not create a tight enough compression against the washer. This allows water to seep through the gap. Even the screw type matters. Using the wrong screws for the job can lead to heads popping off or inadequate holding power, both of which can result in leaks.
  • Missing screws: Let's face it, sometimes things go missing during installation. Metal roofing screws can even back out due to vibrations or thermal expansion and contraction. A single missing screw might seem insignificant, but it leaves behind a vulnerable spot where water can infiltrate the roof system. The more missing screws there are, the greater the chance of a metal roof leaking.
  • Rust or corrosion of fasteners: Even the sturdiest metal can succumb to the relentless power of rust. When fasteners rust, they lose their critical ability to create a tight seal around the screw hole. This breakdown allows water to enter where it shouldn't, leading to leaks and potential damage to the existing roof structure.

If you've noticed any signs of water intrusion, don't wait to address the issue. Contact the experts at Trinity today to have your roof inspected.

Schedule an Inspection

Panel Issues

Metal roof panels are the first line of defense against the elements, but gaps or weaknesses can compromise their integrity. Let's explore how panel issues can lead to leaks.

  • Seams and overlaps: Metal roof panels create a watertight barrier, but gaps at the seams can lead to roof leaks. Improper installation is a major culprit. If the panels aren't aligned correctly or the fasteners are driven at the wrong angles, gaps can be created. Additionally, metal roof sealants used at these seams can deteriorate over time due to exposure to harsh weather elements. Once compromised, these sealants lose their effectiveness in repelling water.
  • Dents or punctures in panels: Metal roof panels are generally quite sturdy, but they're not invincible. Physical damage from hailstones, falling branches, or even improper foot traffic can puncture the protective surface. Even minor dents can compromise the integrity of the panel, making it more susceptible to metal roof leaking over time.

Flashing Problems

Flashing refers to thin sheets of metal used to seal around areas like pipes, vents, and chimneys. These areas are particularly vulnerable to leaks because they disrupt the smooth flow of water across the roof's surface. Flashing problems can arise from several issues:

  • Improper installation: Flashing needs to be meticulously installed to ensure a watertight seal. Sometimes, though, flashing is not cut to the right size, or the installer fails to use proper techniques to bend and fold the metal around various roof features. This can create significant gaps. These gaps provide an entry point for water to seep behind the flashing and into the roof system.
  • Damaged sealant: Metal roof sealant plays a vital role in filling small gaps and irregularities between the flashing and the roof panels. Over time, exposure to sunlight and extreme temperatures can cause this sealant to crack or become brittle. Once compromised, the sealant can no longer effectively prevent water infiltration.
  • Material breakdown: While metal flashing is generally durable, it's not immune to deterioration. In rare cases, the flashing material itself can break down due to long-term exposure to the elements or harsh weather conditions. This breakdown can create holes or weak spots in the flashing, allowing water to leak through.

Is It Better to Repair or Replace After Metal Roof Leaking?

Discovering a metal roof leak can be stressful, but don't panic. Depending on the source and severity of the leak, a full roof replacement may not be required. Here are some tips for how to decide between roof repair and replacement:
First, consider the extent of the leak. A small, isolated leak is often a prime candidate for repair. Larger leaks or those affecting multiple areas may indicate a more widespread issue. Also, think about the system’s age. If the roof is nearing the end of its lifespan or has significant wear and tear, replacement might be a better long-term solution.
While repairs are generally less expensive upfront than a full replacement, consider the potential for future leaks if the underlying cause isn't fully addressed. Replacement offers a more permanent solution. A brand new, leak-proof roof overhead can also provide significant peace of mind and protect from water damage for decades to come.
Ultimately, consulting a professional roofer is crucial for accurately assessing the source and severity of the leak. These experts can recommend the best solution for specific situations.

Stop Metal Roof Leaking With Help From Trinity

At Trinity Construction Services, we're dedicated to providing expert roof inspections, repairs, and replacements. We can diagnose the source of your leak and recommend the most cost-effective and long-lasting solution for your metal roof.

Contact our team today and let us help you achieve watertight peace of mind!